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426-52001 #1

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Magnum Tire Gauge 0-60 Gid 2.5" Face

Part# 426-52001

4 in stock



Tire Pressure Gauge - includes both angle and ball chucks and dual bleed buttons for faster setting. Huge 3 1/2" Glow-in-the-Dark face for high accuracy and the easiest readability Dual air pressure release buttons for faster setting Swivel angle chuck installed with alternate ball chuck included HOLDS PRESSURE READING UNTIL RELEASED Internal gauge damper for more consistent, accurate readings Flexible 17" red hose Comes with hard case PSI Options (Choose above when ordering): 0-60 psi by 1/2 lb 0-40 psi by 1/2 lb 0-30 psi by 1/4 lb 0-15 psi by 1/4 lb

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  · Wheels & Hubs » Open Wheel » Tire Prep » Tire Gauge » Analog
  · Wheels & Hubs » Stock Car » Tire Gauge » Analog