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426-50315 #1

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Alum Air Tank Assy W/O-60 Dial Gauge

Part# 426-50315


Portable Ultra Lightweight Polished Air Tank with Analog Filler Tire Pressure Gauge Special Inlet Valve Fills Tank in Less Than 15 Seconds! Saves time ~ quicker than dragging the air hose around the car. Tank tops off 4 tires. Exclusive special design inlet valve lets tank refill in 15 seconds or less. Includes 0-60 psi Quick Fill Tire Gauge with 17" hose and both angle and ball chucks Take a reading without removing the fill chuck! Connect your air line, press the lever, and fill your tires IN SECONDS! Features a bleed button for excess pressure & a large accurate Glow-In-The-Dark gauge face. All tanks include a universal air quick-change coupler.

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